
657 items found
Korean War Pair of Medals To Able Seaman, J.W.T. Price Royal Navy

Korean War Pair of Medals To Able Seaman, J.W.T. Price Royal Navy

Korea Medal 1953 ( P/JX 521534 J.W.T.Price, RN.), United Nations Korea Medal.
Condition GVF  read more

Code: 62947

140.00 GBP

Territorial  Force Efficiency Medal Edward VII : Gunner A. E. Baker, 2nd Home Counties Brigade, Royal Field Artillery

Territorial Force Efficiency Medal Edward VII : Gunner A. E. Baker, 2nd Home Counties Brigade, Royal Field Artillery

Territorial Force Efficiency Medal
Edward VII
252 Gnr A.E. Baker, 2/ H.C B. R.F.A.
Condition GVF
The 2nd Home Counties Brigade RFA TF was based at the drill hall The Goffs in Eastbourne. It comprised a headquarters, the 4th, 5th and 6th Sussex Batteries and the Brigade Ammunition Column. The 5th Battery was based in St. Leonards and the 6th in Bexhill-on-Sea, while ...  read more

Code: 63305

135.00 GBP

Police Long Service Medal : George VI Constable William E Stevens. Bournemouth Police

Police Long Service Medal : George VI Constable William E Stevens. Bournemouth Police

Police Long Service Medal : George VI
Const William E Stevens
Condition GEF in box of Issue
Box Marked 20 Bournemouth  read more

Code: 64938

48.00 GBP

Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal Victoria Issue Lance Serjt O Day, 2-8th Foot

Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal Victoria Issue Lance Serjt O Day, 2-8th Foot

Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Victoria Issue
917 Lance Serjt O Day, 2-8th Foot
Condition GVF
With copy of service papers From Athy Kildare
Joined at The Curragh Camp in 1858
When enlisting was entitled to Bounty of £3 and Free Kit
Transfered to the North Durham Militia as Permanent Staff in 1879  read more

Code: 64604

160.00 GBP

WW2 Pacific Star

WW2 Pacific Star

The Pacific Star was a campaign medal of the British Commonwealth, awarded for service in the Pacific theatre of operations between 8th December, 1941, and 2nd September, 1945. It was also awarded for certain specified service in China, Hong-Kong, Malaya, Sumatra and numerous Japanese held islands and territories between the following specified date  read more

Code: 66991

45.00 GBP

Campaign Service Medal 1962  1 Clasp Northern Ireland To a Marine, Royal Marines

Campaign Service Medal 1962 1 Clasp Northern Ireland To a Marine, Royal Marines

Campaign Service Medal 1962
1 Clasp Northern Ireland
RM 25286 B. J. Stubbs, Mne RM
Condition GVF  read more

Code: 66020

150.00 GBP

General service Medal One Clasp Arabian Peninsula To Flight Lieut J G Watling, Royal Air Force

General service Medal One Clasp Arabian Peninsula To Flight Lieut J G Watling, Royal Air Force

General service Medal 1918-62
One Clasp Arabian Peninsula
Flt Lt J G Watling, RAF
Condition GVF  read more

Code: 65018

175.00 GBP

General Service Medal 1918-62 1 Clasp Malaya To Trooper R Bull, 13/18th Hussars

General Service Medal 1918-62 1 Clasp Malaya To Trooper R Bull, 13/18th Hussars

General Service Medal 1918-62
QE2 Issue 1 Clasp Malaya
23641456 Tpr R Bull, 13/18 H
Condition NEF  read more

Code: 64984

90.00 GBP

Territorial Force Efficiency Medal Edward VII To  Pte J. S. Walsh, 8th (City of London) Battalion

Territorial Force Efficiency Medal Edward VII To Pte J. S. Walsh, 8th (City of London) Battalion

Territorial Force Efficiency Medal Edward VII
5266 Pte J.S.Walsh, 8/ London Regt
Issued Medal Authority Date 1 Oct 1909
8/ London Regt Post Office Rifles
Condition GVF  read more

Code: 66915

160.00 GBP

Distinguished Conduct Medal  To Duncan McFarlane, 7/8th Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers

Distinguished Conduct Medal To Duncan McFarlane, 7/8th Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers

Distinguished Conduct Medal : George V
14712 Sjt D McFarlane, 7/8 K. O. Sc Bord
7th/8th Bn., King's Own Scottish Borderers was Killed in Action on 23 July 1918 Age 42
Son of Duncan and Isabella McFarlane, ofRose Cottage, Kelvinhead, Kilsyth,Glasgow.
Remembered with Honour Buzancy Military Cemetery
Distinguished Conduct Medal awarded London Gazette 3rd Jun...  read more

Code: 66923

900.00 GBP