
657 items found
Greece: United Nations Korea Medal, Greek issue.

Greece: United Nations Korea Medal, Greek issue.

Greek issue.
United Nations Korea Medal 1950-3
Bar Kopea
in box of Issue
scarce  read more

Code: 59360

55.00 GBP

Palestine WW2, Coronation & Long Service Medal Group  To W.O.CL 1 RSM  Richard Dodson Bertram Knowler, Royal Tank Regiment

Palestine WW2, Coronation & Long Service Medal Group To W.O.CL 1 RSM Richard Dodson Bertram Knowler, Royal Tank Regiment

General Service Medal 1918-62 : 1 Clasp Palestine ( 7881718 Cpl R Knowler, R. Tank.R.), 1939-45 Star, Africa Star Clasp 8th Army, France and Germany Star, Defence and War Medals 1939-45, Coronation Medal 1953, Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal : George VI ( ( 7881718 W.O.CL 2 R B D Knowler, R. Tks),
Joined in 1919 Palestine Medal earned with C Company 6th Battalion Royal Tank Reg...  read more

Code: 67183

475.00 GBP

Military Cross Medal Group To Major Herbert John Sherwood Gaine, Durham Light Infantry & Royal Engineers

Military Cross Medal Group To Major Herbert John Sherwood Gaine, Durham Light Infantry & Royal Engineers

Military Cross : George V Unnamed
1914-15 Star ( Lieut H. J. S. Gaine, Durh. L.I. )
British War & Victory Medals 1914-1919 ( Major J.H.S. Gaine )
Military Cross awarded 1st June 1917
Gazette Issue 30111. M.C. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the mentioned rewards for distinguished service in the field. Awarded the Military Cross.
...  read more

Code: 67178


WW1 Military Medal Group To Pte Ernest Banks,  Royal Army Medical Corps  Att 1/4(London)Fd Coy RE ( Killed in Action)

WW1 Military Medal Group To Pte Ernest Banks, Royal Army Medical Corps Att 1/4(London)Fd Coy RE ( Killed in Action)

Military Medal : George V ( 1719 Pte E Banks, R.A.M.C. T.F.); British War & Victory Medals 1914-1919 ( 1719 Pte E Banks, R.A.M.C.)
also entitled to 1914-15 Star
Pte Ernest Banks, Royal Army Medical Corps
Att 1/4(London)Fd Coy RE was Killed in Action on the 15 September 1916
Born in Southsea Hants address on pension card
Mackerel Hill, Peasmarsh, Sussexread more

Code: 67177

600.00 GBP

General Service Medal  1918-62  1 Clasp S.E.Asia 1945-46 To L-Cpl  J. G. Beal, Royal Armoured Corps

General Service Medal 1918-62 1 Clasp S.E.Asia 1945-46 To L-Cpl J. G. Beal, Royal Armoured Corps

General Service Medal 1918-62
1 Clasp S.E.Asia 1945-46
14987834 L-Cpl J. G. Beal, R.A.C.
Condition EF
Medal clasp scarce to R.A.C.
with copy of medal roll Medal awarded
Royal Armoured Corps, Lance Corporal, Attached 34 Amphibian Support Regiment Royal Marines  read more

Code: 67171

285.00 GBP

WW2 & Territorial Group of Medals To Cpl M. A. Waters,  Devonshire Regiment

WW2 & Territorial Group of Medals To Cpl M. A. Waters, Devonshire Regiment

1939-45 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence and War Medals 1939-45, Territorial Efficiency Medal : QE2; Bar Territorial ( 22802618 Cpl M. A. Waters, Devon)
Mounted for wear with matching miniature medals
T.E.M. scarce to Regiment
Territorial Medal awarded in 1966  read more

Code: 67173

185.00 GBP

Egypt Medal 1882 1 Clasp The Nile 1884-85 To Drummer A Vale, Essex Regiment

Egypt Medal 1882 1 Clasp The Nile 1884-85 To Drummer A Vale, Essex Regiment

Egypt Medal 1882 : Undated Reverse
1 Clasp The Nile 1884-85
173 Drumr A Vale, 2 / Essex Regt
Condition GVF
Cant find on medal roll may be on a supplement roll  read more

Code: 67179

240.00 GBP

French Saint Helena Medal 1857

French Saint Helena Medal 1857

The Saint Helena Medal was the first French campaign medal. It was established in 1857 by a decree of emperor Napoleon III, to recognize participation in the campaigns led by emperor Napoleon I and was awarded to all French and foreign soldiers, from the land armies or naval fleets, who served the Republic or the Empire between the years 1792 and 1815.  read more

Code: 67182

95.00 GBP

Italy  Town Hall Messina  to the survivors of the Historical Day Silver Medal  1st September 1897

Italy Town Hall Messina to the survivors of the Historical Day Silver Medal 1st September 1897

Town Hall Messina to the survivors of the Historical Day
Silver Medal 1st September 1897  read more

Code: 67181

95.00 GBP

United Nations Korea Medal  Belgium Flemish issue

United Nations Korea Medal Belgium Flemish issue

United Nations Korea Medal
Belgium Flemish issue
in box of issue  read more

Code: 67180

40.00 GBP